Diuretics for weight loss

diuretic tea for weight loss

Using diuretics for weight loss is a fad that originated in sports. As a result, athletes sometimes "enter" a lower weight class to outperform their opponents there. And everyone knows well that pills or teas do not burn any fat, and if you exceed the dosage, then instead of competing you may end up in the hospital, under a dropper with a methodTreatment of dehydration and convulsions. But in sports, another criterion - victory is often more important than health. But why is it for ordinary women? It's no secret that a woman's body is prone to fluid retention and accumulation on certain days of the cycle, that's nature. A few days after ovulation, almost everyone experiences swelling. If in addition to this layer of fat, there is an additional layer of fat, the appearance can be significantly uncomfortable. They often try to use a diuretic herb to lose weight correctly these days, and there are methods that are relatively safe for health and there are methods that no one needs to use.

Which diuretic to choose for weight loss?

The best diuretic for weight loss is to drink green tea regularly. In addition to eliminating edema, it also speeds up metabolism due to its thermogenic (warming) effect and promotes fat burning. A cup of tea is also a good choice to reduce your appetite. Its natural flavor gently suppresses sugar cravings and promotes faster satiety. The antioxidant-rich composition of green tea is a real find for those looking to stay physically active, mentally healthy and mentally sharp, despite dietary restrictions.

Brewing green tea to have a diuretic effect should put 1 teaspoon of ingredients in 1 glass of water with a slightly lower temperature than boiling water (let the kettle boil for 2-4 minutes). Drink up to 5 cups (150-200 ml) per day. Contraindications to use - heart disease, kidney disease, gastritis in the acute phase. Pregnant women can drink this drink, but be sure to consult your doctor.

Diuretic herbal tea for weight loss

The second diuretic to lose weight from nature is pure water. Drink 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight, continuously, throughout the day and limit salt to 5 g per day (do not add salt to food when cooking, but rather add seasoning to the plate, and if possible, substitute with lemon juice). The problem will "dissolve" on its own after a few weeks of applying such a regimen.

Rare diuretic charge for weight loss

Everyone knows about the reishi leaves, the birch buds, the bear tree and the orthosiphon collection. But has anyone tried to reduce swelling and at the same time supplement with vitamin C to help the body recover better? You can prepare simple and healthy charges with a mild but pronounced diuretic effect:

  • 20 g of black currant leaves, 10 g of wild rose, 5 g of reishi leaves, mixed with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. At this time squeeze lemon juice, filter to get juice, drink at 1: 00 pm, half in the morning, half an hour before meals, half an hour before meals;
  • 10 g of chamomile flower and 10 g of reishi leaves, prepared, as directed in the previous recipe, in 3 doses, before a meal, the last "drinking" should take place no later than 4 hours before travelsleep, so as not to interfere with sleep;
  • fresh cranberry juice, 200 ml, diluted with 200 ml of mineral water, add lemon juice, take a sip. 100 ml before each main meal.

Important:The use of all herbs, charges, teas and diuretics requires attention to the condition of the body. These days, you should not lift heavy weights, do endurance running and active martial arts, as well as go to the bathroom and sauna. These actions won't make you "merge" faster, but can only cause seizures, so you'd better not take the risk and spend the day more passively. Do low-intensity aerobic exercise, no more than 45 minutes a day, stretching, or plan to take medication on a non-exercise day.

On the day of drinking diuretic tea to lose weight, you must not:

  • use ordinary tea and coffee, they also have a diuretic effect, all of which can harm the body and cause a loss of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle;
  • drink alcohol. It will not be possible for quite a long time, about 72 hours after the end of the day of taking a diuretic to lose weight. The alcohol "drys up" further, and almost everyone who takes a diuretic before the party will get cramps sooner or later. They are not harmless, as they can cause breathing and heart problems;
  • drink "chicory", including powder. By itself, chicory is a diuretic for weight loss. It is taken half a glass before meals, not only to reduce appetite, but also to remove excess fluid;
  • Take sports slimming pills, ephedra preparations, weight loss supplements from the pharmacy, everything containing horseradish extract, birch bud, linden, chamomile, includingdifferent types of cough syrup. Everything listed here acts as a synergist for diuretics, and causes severe dehydration;
  • being in the sun for long periods of time, such as lying on the beach, and even not going to the solarium. If you're taking diuretics for travel or a beauty pageant, you're better off getting your skin tamed at a salon;
  • get green juice with celery, cucumber and dill.

If diuretic herbs for weight loss did not help!

Radical personalities will immediately take diuretic diet pills. Of course, pills will cause a person to "spend" several liters of liquid, but they are even less healthy than herbal treatments. Take these pills only for medical reasons. Fortunately, for cosmetic purposes, they still have no effect - 12-16 hours after taking it, it "floods" with vengeance, and swells not only on the body, but also on the face.

First of all, herbs may not help if there are objective kidney health problems. Edema has been tormented for a long time, for several months now salty foods have not been included in the diet? Urgently see a nephrologist. Do you also have discomfort in your sternum, or do you have swelling the day after going to the gym? To the cardiologist. In any case, it is not necessary to diagnose on the Internet, see a general practitioner for a referral.

Edema is typical of menopause, and unfortunately, in this case, diuretic herbs for weight loss did not help for long. You should consult your gynecologist about natural phytoestrogens, they can help correct the problem. And a popular diuretic for weight loss in this case is a decoction of insects (one tablespoon of ingredients per 300 ml of water, leave for 20 minutes).

How to stop taking diuretic diet pills?

All this is great, but if one has been using herbs to remove fluid systematically and for a long time, has thoroughly researched the names of dietary diuretics, and don't leave the pharmacy without a pack of pills, it's worth taking seriously. considering.

Diuretics, or rather, their continued use, can be symptoms of serious personality disorders, eating disorders along with psychosis. Pay attention if:

  • taking medication that is not medically indicated, and starting on the advice of friends, or on their own;
  • No one noticed swelling except the person taking the pill, including her husband, mother and best friends. But to herself, the girl seemed like a ball filled with water;
  • clothing size does not exceed 50, objectively a person is a bit overweight or not overweight at all, but all his thoughts are centered around weight loss, taking medicine, "losing weight", and extrinsicFigure;
  • At least once in my life I have had such a situation, when because of laxatives or diuretics to lose weight, I had to miss school or work, or cancel everything;
  • have a desire to lose weight at any cost, talk about health as a lament by some elderly women, or the morals of a classroom teacher;
  • All of this comes with dieting, bad moods, real self-hatred, and a person can't get out of this circle anymore, even though he understands that the pill is bad for him. health.

First of all, you need to accept that diuretics for weight loss have become an addiction that you need to get rid of for your own health. And also with the fact that this has nothing to do with a desire to be beautiful, or rather with a real hatred of oneself.

There are many ways to get rid of addiction. Some people go to a psychologist to recover, others just need to talk to a close friend about the problem. Someone who writes a to-do list, and strictly controls himself, simply forbids himself from buying and accepting. In any case, you need to quit smoking. Changing your lifestyle will also help.

How to replace diuretic herbs for weight loss?

Fortunately, water retention can be addressed in simple and healthy ways. To start, you need to include in your diet 1 serving of simple garden greens (parsley, dill, green onions are suitable) per day. Then - increase the amount of vegetables and fruits consumed to 6-8 servings per day. Eliminate fast food for a while, any beverages other than green tea and water, and increase your protein intake. Usually, the swelling is because we prefer candy to a cutlet and refuse protein to save calories.

Adjusting your diet in a healthy way allows you to completely give up diuretics. Try it, it will definitely work.